Podcast Episode 8 – walk & kickbox

70% of Americans don’t get the CDC’s recommended 150 minutes of moderate-to-intense exercise each week and 2 days of strength training.

By 2035, half of the world is predicted to be obese.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

More events like this, the one spoken about in detail in this podcast, presented by organizers with clear missions that are far greater than sweat are part of the solution. It doesn’t hurt when it’s hosted at places like this, either.

This podcast brings an educational, entertaining, effective exercise session that can be done in 20-minutes with no equipment. Today’s episode features a 10-min power walk followed by 10-min cardio kick boxing session.
Although the kick boxing cues can be followed with audio-only, if you prefer a visual, this episode is available in video on YouTube at @BrookBenten channel. (embedded below).

More Than Sweat podcast was previously titled Sweat Like a Mother. Even though you’ll see me, Brook Benten, pushing a stroller if you watch this episode in video format, it never really was just for mothers or just about making you sweat. For those reasons, the brand evolved. This podcast is for anyone with an able body (that’s you) and it exists is to make you whole, cleverly disguised as a sweat fest.

Listen here, or wherever you get your podcasts. Pretty please leave a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts. Your glowing feedback will help to grow the podcast.

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