Mommy & Me Workouts

Put my old “mommy and me” workouts to the test. Your child will love it. You will love it. It’s strength, cardio, core, but best of all, it’s bonding time. Happy Mother’s Day!

I grieve that my babies have outgrown this age! Please do the workouts and send me your thoughts or video captions so that I may live vicariously through you. Don’t make me have another baby to do it, myself. At my age, that would be highly unlikely. (My oldest is now strong enough for role reversal!)

Another word about this time in life, when your littles are little: be present.

They’ll grow up, go to school, take on interests and hobbies, and they’ll rely on you less. When that happens, you’ll miss when they were pint-sized, in your care 24/7, turned to you for their entertainment, and needed your attention so much that you rarely showered, drank too much coffee, never emptied the dishwasher, and had a mound of laundry piling to the heavens.

You’ll sit behind your computer, typing a blog post with the house eerily quiet and feel nostalgic.

You’ll wish you hadn’t cared so much about dumb stuff like offending other shoppers when your kid had a meltdown in the grocery store.

I pass you now, nursing your infants, carrying your three-year-old on your hip (the kiddo’s preference, not yours), and playing peek-a-boo for what’s probably the hundredth time, but getting a gummy, gleeful expression as if it’s the very first. I smile to myself. And I smile at you.

Your days are long, but the years are short.

When you become the older mom with older kids that I am now, you’ll be on the giving end of the sentimental expressions you’re receiving right now.
At that time, you’ll wonder how it’s even possible that those days are done for you and witnessing them from strangers is the closest thing you have to going back.
So, you’ll give a mindful smile, then maybe take to your blog.
You’ll intend to bless those fresh moms with their fresh littles. In doing so, you bless yourself.

From my blessed heart to yours, here are Mommy & Me Workouts








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